Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Final Story Change

After much though in game design to after completing my level blue print i have decided to change the story again. The reason being that the gameplay and environment did not match my story and didnt feel quite right.

Some aspects are the same but you you see what i have changed in my story.

I will only jot down key story elements of my level story and you can get an idea of my story my following the progress on my level blueprint.

Pre Level Story
*You and friends go for a little adventure out your city to foredt outside
*You and friends discover ancient gate (to another world/realm/time?)
*Activate gate by mistake
*Get sucked into gate
*Wake up in other world friends are missing
* Goal find friends and try to find a way back home.

Level story is pretty much told by the level objectives below but i will give a more explained story.

Level (Objective Story)
*First you explore the map once you exit the gate region you will see two paths. On the left path
you see totem poles along the sides of the tracks you character is thinking that this may be a way to civilisation (good/bad you dont know) on the other side you will just see trees, vines etc...
(The totems point out your first waypoint)

*As you follow the totems on the left path you encounter a village. The local's are a bit agrevious towards you and know your and outsider. Some clan guards take you to the clan leaders hut.

*You tell him your story and he's gives you information about your friends but there are in the water world that is sealed off from the Earth Gate. The leader says you need the Earth Stome to unlock it, you ask for it but leader will not give it to you unless you complete a quest for him.

*You accept his quest you must find his son in the great field(which is inhabbited by beasts).
As you make your way to the fields you see the body of a fallen earth clan leader, you notice a weapon a few meters away and pick it up (Aquire you first weapon)

*You see the boy but he is about to be attacked by a earth troll. You must defeat the troll and return the boy safely back to the village.

*Clan leader thanks you and gives you the earth stone.

*You make your way to the earth gate, unlock it and enter water world


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