Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Asset List & Level Objectives

Below are the objectives and asset list for my level.

The objectives will basicly be used to make progress in the story (obviously)

The 1st 2 objectives will be used to start the quest, you will ask about the where abouts of your friends are. The clan leader will tell you he has heard of outsiders venturing to the water village and that you have to use the "Earth Elemental Stone" to open the "Earth Gate".

To get the stone you must complete a quest for the leader (3rd objective) to retrieve the stone in return for the complete quest. Has you make way to your quest you will find your first weapon to fight enemies in the level.

You also have a risk reward mechanic in the 3rd objective:
Risk: Death, Fail Quest .
Reward: Gain first weapon, Complete Quest, Gain Earth Elemental Stone, Further Game Progress.

The last 3 objective really speak for themselves.

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